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Photos: World's Scary Airport Runways
May 20, 2014

If you suffer from a fear of flying look away now. Or perhaps that should be fear of landing? Because many passengers would probably prefer to stay in the air when they see their plane approach one of these terrifying runways.

At Lukla Airport in Nepal, pilots have to navigate a runway that ends in a terrifying 9,200ft drop, while at Barra Airport in Scotland they have to wait until the tide is out.

Meanwhile, planes fly so close to Maho Beach in St Maarten that you can almost tell the time on the captain's wrist watch.

And at Paro Airport in Bhutan you'll be able to enjoy stunning views over the Paro river and the Himalayas - if you can overlook the sharp peaks of up to 18,000ft and severe turbulence.

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Comments (1)
bikalpa wrote:

????????? one of the dangerous and the world's most dangerous airport are two different things. Lukla airport is the most dangerous airport all over the world. Even National Geography channel has cited Lukla as the world's most dangerous airport .

Proud to be from the most dangerous airport place.

May.20,2014 07:01PM
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